Vredehorst Kerkelijk Centrum, Tarthorst 1, 6708 HG, Wageningen, The Netherlands | 06-55157041 / 06-19991519 | info@agpwageningen.com

Our Ministry Pillars

We aspire to freely worship God in spirit and truth by offering God an undiluted worship with all our heart, soul, mind, and with all our strength. Our worship is anchored by the word and in prayer and seeking the face of God in corporate prayers. EVERY church member must have an individual prayer life and be a worshiper full of the Holy Spirit. We desire to lift up the worship atmosphere by raising worship leaders and through quality music, dance, creative arts, sound and visual effects. The AGP worship experience develops strong relationships in Jesus Christ our savior and brings glory, honour and praise to His name. Worship Ministry Opportunities
  • Music
  • Prayer
  • Technical
  • Dance & Drama
Matthew 28:19-20 KJV [19] Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Discipleship is a process of becoming like Jesus, and helping others become like Jesus.  It is a LIFESTYLE filled with RELATIONSHIPS; a life of pouring yourself out for others.  At AGP, we aim to grow members through sound training and teaching.  As a result we expect to see new believers become workers and ministers and members become disciples active in serving God Learning Opportunities
  • Bible study / House Fellowship,
  • Search the Scriptures
  • School of Disciples
  • Good Foundation class
Our House Fellowships offer a warm and comfortable environment outside the Sunday service to discover and grow your gift, and train for ministry (2 Tim 1:6).  It's a place where we dig deep into the Word of God and learn how to actively apply it in our daily living.   We minister to one another, freely sharing our needs in a trusting and open environment. (James 5:13–16). Together we celebrate our successes, joy, thanksgivings, and special moments (Rom 12:15) We meet on Wednesday evenings (Bornsesteeg, Lombardi, Dijkgraaf) and Sundays (Nude area) For full addresses, please contact us here.
We are multicultural family through our Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Christ brings us all together from different nations, ethnicity and colours making us Diverse but One. As a church we celebrate our oneness in Christ when we come together in our worship services and regular social gatherings for informal interactions. In AGP there is a place for all: women, men, young adults, youths, teenagers and children. We foster relationships and responsibility towards one another by the understanding that “I am brother’s keeper”. Family Ministry Groups
  • Ladies
  • Men
  • Children
  • Young @Hart
  • LED Youth
Every Christian has a mandate from God to share the good news.  On this mandate, AGP Evangelism (E-Team) stands for 'Publishing Christ to the unsaved together with you’. As Evangelism Co-ordinators, we stimulate the church to embark on evangelism and win more souls for the Kingdom. We provide you with trainings and tips for effective soul winning. E – Team Activities
  • Outreach
  • Media & Publicity
  • Follow up
“Bringing the power and love of Christ to everyday life” Jesus demonstrated the love of God to everyone. To His disciples, to His community and to everyone He met. The Love in Action pillar of AGP focuses on charity work and personal welfare. We Organize charity work around Wageningen in collaboration with local organizations. Being a multicultural church, our second goal is to help foreigners get in touch with Wageningen city and The Netherlands in general. The Love in Action pillar helps people with their personal situation by connecting them to local professionals who are able to link them to the right Dutch welfare systems when and if needed. Focus Areas
  • Community
  • Welfare
  • Sports
  • Professional
The Service (SAF) ministry pillar supports AGP and other ministry pillars to achieve our vision. We work toward creating a conducive and safe worship environment for members and visitors. Working together with other ministry pillars, we support and coordinate different ministry and special church events. We make it happen! SAF Ministry Opportunities
  • Ushering
  • Hospitality
  • Finance
  • Administration
  • Events
  • Building